Sunday, August 14, 2011

My diet story!


im starting over this blog again. even with its many incarnations ive determined that the best has been saved for last. this time about something i have become super passionate about and have become increasingly aware of: my health and wellness. no, im not turning this into a fitness blog. even though i feel like fitness has been important to me over this past year, i really have little knowledge about it. about 18 months ago i started experiencing chronic infections. many weekly dr visits, repeated prescriptions of antibiotics (that led to other problems, and those medications led to infections that led back to the antibiotics... you get the picture.) and even some homeopathic treatments later, my doctor says to me, why dont you look at your diet, im sure you can find some health books about whats going on with you. so on my own, i scour the interwebs trying to solve the mystery. at this point im willing to try anything. i would say this was the one time that self diagnosing actually has been beneficial. in my search i am led to the candida diet. it should solve everything for me! yay! one tiny little catch though, if you ever look at whats involved, it seems impossible. many friends say to me, "then what can you eat?" which in all honesty is quite alot.

at first it was extremely difficult, learning what i could have and what i couldnt have. trying to get the recipe just right. a detox was recommended first.. eating a clay mixture... i just couldnt do it. the extreme only veggie diet for ten days to cleanse... i made it on veggies and chicken for 3 days before i couldnt take it anymore and had a melt wasnt pretty... i learned about withdrawl from white sugar and flour. felt just overall blah for a few weeks. but then it was all okay.

so the next question was, what can i eat? what i ate at the beginning has changed a bit from what i eat today. at first, i was super strict about it. today i eat no gluten, refined sugar, corn, vinegar (except cider), nothing fermented... so no mushrooms, alcohol. nothing pickled, no peanuts, no yeast... so what can i eat? lots of things. meat, dairy, veggies, fruits, non gluten grains. agave, honey. lots of things.

the great thing about the interwebs is that you can find anything. so ive seen many many websites devoted to gluten free, sugar free, and a few both. also, a few candida diet sites as well. so basically ive decided that the best thing to do with this blog is to post the information ive learned on this journey. so far, ive used other peoples recipes and ideas. i have not tried branching out on my own and making my own recipes. in due time.

so heres a collection of the things i have learned, the recipes i have loved and tried repeatedly with varying degrees of success. things ive learned on my journey which has been a constant learning experience. over this journey i have lost 40 lbs, and im proud to say my last trip to the doctor for an infection was nearly a year ago. i feel overall healthier and feel soooo much better. i absolutely love learning about how to simplify my cooking but mainly my baking. i love to bake. i love my sweets. so this way i do get to have my cake and eat it too. enjoy!

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